So, I hemmed and hawed about keeping it or selling it on the neutral auction house for lotsa gold. I decided to keep it:
1. I've been super stoked to get one since reading about it before it was patched into the game.
2. It takes me longer to get 40 Champion's Seals than it does to farm gold.
Grats on the broom pet. You worked hard for it…glad you kept it!
Glad you’re keeping it. You’re right – I never thought about how long it takes to earn 40 seals vs. how much you could get selling one of those pets… not worth it!
I picked up the broom after I picked up the Sen’jin Fetish – I thought those two were by far the coolest pets available at the tournament!
Congrats 😉
It’s a .. funny pet, hihi. Didn’t saw it before … well, not hard if you are not in the 80ties range all the time 😉
@Keli – Thanks! 😀
@Brajana – I’m definitely planning to work on getting seals to get all the Horde pets for myself. I originally thought about selling them first to earn enough gold to be able to turn around and buy the Alliance ones across the neutral ah. But, yeah, the time investment comparison for me just didn’t compute. 😛
For non-pet collectors, it’s definitely a money maker. But, I love my collection too much to cash in. (I’m not weak! I swear!) I figure by the time I finish collecting the Horde ones, I’ll easily have the gold (although, I’m a spender, so who knows lol) to get the Alliance ones… and hopefully their prices will drop some by then.
@Sibyll – Oh you have to check out the Argent Tournament pets! 😀
So far I have gotten myself a Mechanopeep and a Teldarssil Sapling as well as a Mechanopeep for my fiance.
You get your Blizzcon tickets?
Grats on your broom! I have yet to get enough seals for a pet on either of my characters – the time it takes is rather amazing, you’re right.
@Darraxus – I knew you’d gotten a peep for your fiance, but I didn’t know you’d gotten yourself 2 of the pets so far! If I would actually do all the champion dailies every day… I’d probably have more seals. Oh well, I’ll get there eventually. 🙂
And, sadly, no we didn’t get BlizzCon tix last Saturday. Capwn reported on that on Saturday. (Cuz he would be the perfect BlizzCon pet.. *nodnod*). We’re trying again on the 30th… wish us luck?
@Anea – Thanks! Yeah, they definitely are not a fast grind and if you don’t enjoy the dailies (or can’t get a group for the 3man Threat From Above) it takes even longer. I usually have good luck being able to do the group one with our main tank… since him and I can complete it fine with just the 2 of us.
I do like them, now that I am decent at the “jousting,” but I know some people aren’t finding it very fun.
Yeah, good luck with the tix. Look forward to seeing you there.
@Darraxus – Thanks, hopefully the queue karma will be on our side this time. But, either way, we’ll be in the area! 😀
OMG… I want one!
I know some people who took the pets to sell on the neutral AH and they still haven’t sold after a week but have made 2k+ on the normal Horde AH. They’re too cool for me to want to sell though! I also want the white Undead horse.