People of Ironforge. There is not a rogue over here. Move along. (Click for larger)
With Children's Week coming up, starting today, I thought I'd use a screenshot from a Children's Week of the past. This is Sideshow escorting the little Blood Elf girl...
Hi! We're still here, though mostly I'm still here. Syrana hasn't really had much time to game, especially with the other blog and everything. I still game pretty often...
Gertbee about to take some target practice on the latest spammer recruits. Either that or it's a family with horrible creativity in names.
I still don't know how the Dalaran we know today fit inside of that bubble. Took this screenshot back on December 13, 2006.
I thought I'd bring back some of the Sunday Screenshot posts, since I have a bunch just sitting here on my PC. Some classics, too, back to when I first played in 2005...