Sometimes the words available to us cannot fully capture a meaning we are trying to convey. This is often when we make up words. And every once in awhile, made up...
Author - Darcy
We all know that Sideshow and I are avid gamers. But did you know my parents are gamers too? About a year ago, Sideshow and I piqued their interest enough in WoW to...
So Thanksgiving has come and gone. Â For those that observe Thanksgiving, I hope you had a safe and happy holiday. Â For those of you that don't observe it, I still hope...
If you are just joining us or looking for a refresher the entire series can be found here. Generation 2: Aerissa and Caleb It didn't take long before Caleb worked up the...
RP does not equal ERP Pie is not better than cake All PvE server people are not carebears All PvP server people are not ganksters All avatars do not match the player's...
Today I shall be AFB (away from blog). Most of the day will be spent with family and food…. LOTS of food. From the moment we hit the road today after work, I...