Sharing is caring!

As the time approaches, I'm getting more excited.  Excited to be off of work, out of state, at BlizzCon, and meeting fellow gamers/bloggers/readers.

10 days til we fly out to California.

11 days until BlizzCon starts.

I'm also looking forward to Ozzy playing.  I haven't seen him live, so it'll be a nice added bonus!  Once we have our schedule figured out of what things we plan on checking out (we can't do it all by ear… or can we?) I'll put it up in a post.  While we're there, I plan to take pictures and whatnot to share too.  I'll even try to post while we're out there.  Granted, they won't necessarily be loaded with content, but at least to give you glimpses of what we're seeing and doing.

Hopefully I'll get some more WoW playing in prior to BlizzCon, as I'm sure I'll be fired up to play a lot upon my return home.  I did log in a bit over the weekend.  Syrana has her very own little gorlac now!

I have yet to check out the new 5man dungeon.  My mom has been in it already! Over the weekend I didn't have a lot of time to set aside and play, but made sure to get on and complete the Northrend Children's Week quests.  Oh, and I headed to the Argent Tournament area so I could see the newly constructed Coliseum.

I haven't finished championing my last city yet (Senjin) so I noticed some changes made to the “old” tourney dailies:

No longer kill 10 Scourge for valiants seal and 15 Scourge for champions seal.  Now it's 10 converted heroes and 15 cultists.

No longer joust your way through 1 commander, and however many lieutenants and foot soldiers for a champions seal, now it's just 3 commanders.

No more gathering stone and logs, which I guess makes sense.  The building is complete, so who needs more supplies?

I did find it kind of neat that the new bosses are hanging around throughout the tournament grounds, even if they are sleeping.

Sharing is caring!


We are a family of gamers. Mom and Dad have been gaming for as long as they can remember back when you only had a joystick to use and saved your games to cassette tapes.

They've been gaming together since they met in 2002. Sometime after 2006, they both started playing World of Warcraft and did that for many years. They started this blog, originally called Sideshow & Syrana which has now transitioned to the new Stay-At-Home Gamers site, while keeping all of the original content.

Starting in 2010, two more gamers came along (now known as Princess Boo and Mr. X) and they are now old enough where they both enjoy playing games and watching others play games. They are both excited to have others to watch them play their favorite games. Come along with us and let's enjoy these games together!
