Alright, now that I'm all rested up from Monday night's concert, I can get back to bloggin'. Of course, this particular post may seem a bit out of...
Category - World of Warcraft
There are many things to love about World of Warcraft. There's phat loot, friends, lore, quests, pop culture references, and scenery. You...
Since Wrath came out, there seems to be a lot of speculation of some classes becoming endangered species, such as warlocks and rogues. I've heard...
Ah, yes, we finally hit 78! And by we, I am referring to Sideshow and Syrana. I was happy enough reaching level 77 in order to train Cold Weather...
I thought I'd post more about my WoW characters and history. I started playing in Marc h 2006 when a few of my friends from work kept talking about...
We here at D&B certainly would like to wish you “Happy Holidays,” whatever they may consist of, and however you may choose to celebrate...