If you didn't get a chance to listen to Sideshow and myself live on Rawrcast on Saturday, it is now available for your listening pleasure! Go, go...
Category - All-Time Classics
It's weird. On the one hand, BlizzCon feels like it was just the other day, but on the other hand, it feels like it was ages ago. Then, it really...
I originally did this post on my Genealogy site due to a weekly meme that another blogger creates on Saturdays, but I thought it was a good post to...
TNB Show #IBlameSyrana Now Available and Upcoming Rawrcast Show!
In case you didn't get to catch the live Twisted Nether Blogcast show last Friday while Sideshow and yours truly were on there, it is now available...
Friday Funnies: How (not) to Pick Up Chicks in WoW
Poor, poor Sideshow. He has 1 female character out of all his characters. While she was doing some banking in Stormwind, he randomly was...
Oh my goodness, what a day, what a day. Most of it was spent flying or in the airport. Although I spent most of the day sittin' on my ass, lemme...