I like money.
Especially easy money.
As I discussed last week, there's gold to be found in those candy buckets!
And we're talking more than a simple penny pouch. Sheesh, can you believe some of these innkeepers? The gall to hand out penny pouches. I think that's worse than the old lady nickels some kids acquire during IRL trick or treating.
Now, I realize there is only about a week left to the Hallow's End event and several people have found their way here in search of a list of the Northrend candy buckets. Hopefully this will still help some of you out.
Last week, Shadowspawnd was kind enough to post the Alliance listing in the comments, so I will repost that here for all of you. I went flying around scouring Northrend in search of the Horde buckets. I hope this list is complete. If by chance either of us missed any, please feel free to say so in the comments! (And no, I didn't separate out the neutral locations – just left them in the running lists.)
Northrend Alliance Candy Buckets
Howling Fjord
Westguard Keep
Fort Wildevar
Cantrips & Crows
A Hero’s Welcome
The Legerdemain Lounge
Wintergarde Keep
Wyrmrest Temple
Moa’ki Harbor
Star’s Rest
Borean Tundrea
Valiance Keep
Fizzcrank Airstrip
Storm Peaks
Bouldercrag’s Refuge
Grizzly Hills
Amberpine Lodge
Westfall Brigade
The Argent Stand
Zim'Torga [updated 10/26 per Shunai's comment]
Sholazar Basin
Nesingwary Base Camp
Northrend Horde Candy Buckets
The Filthy Animal
Cantrips & Crows
The Legerdemain Lounge
Howling Fjord
Vengence Landing
New Agamand
Camp Winterhoof
Grizzly Hills
Conquest Hold
Camp Oneqwah
The Argent Stand
Storm Peaks
Camp Tunka'lo
Grom'arsh Crash-Site
Sholazar Basin
Nesingwary Base Camp
Borean Tundra
Bor'gorok Outpost
Warsong Hold
Taunka'le Village
Agmar's Hammer
Moa'ki Harbor
Wyrmrest Temple
(Please note I found 23 when doing the Horde circuit. Again, if you found any not listed here, please let us know!)
Total money I acquired from the Northrend candy circuit: 139g 23s.
You forgot the candy buckets at the tournament in Icecrown.
Wait what am I thinking there isn’t one at the tournament. Sorry about that lol. Nice job with this guide btw.
Nice :D!
There is an alliance on at Zim Torga as well, and I assume there is another one in Borean Tundra to even out the numbers, but have not checked yet.
Thanks for the feedback! I’m glad this list was helpful, especially without an achievement to check ’em off.
And thank you Shunai for the addition, I updated the post. 🙂
There’s also a Horde Candy Bucket at Narvir’s Cradle in Stormpeaks.
[…] #4 – Hallows End: Trick or Treating in Northrend […]
Bucket for Horde also at Boulder’s Refugee in Storm peaks.
Can confirm that there is a Horde Candy Bucket at Narvir’s Cradle in Stormpeaks. Great list! Thank you for putting all the time in to this.
[…] in mind that there are candy buckets in Northrend too, and although they do give money and experience, they do not count towards [A] Tricks and […]
You have Bouldercrag’s Refuge listed for Alliance but not Horde. It’s neutral and is good for both.
you forgot Bouldercrag’s Refuge
els nice guide