Sweet Child o’ Mine

One of the things I think about as we raise our daughter (now 2) and have a son on the way (he's still taking his time) is how they will game and how...

Clearing the Cobwebs

Clearing the Cobwebs

Hey, what is this place? Geez, it looks like no one has been here for like a year. Oh..wait..that's actually correct. As the note to the right says...

Space Truckin’

Space Truckin’

I wasn't really keeping up on the Star Wars: The Old Republic news, so I pretty much forgot about it. I happened to be listening to Polygamerous on...

How Heavy This Axe

How Heavy This Axe

I need to apologize to a few people. Sorry, Battlefield 3. Sorry, World of Warcraft. Sorry, Lord of the Rings Online. Sorry, Batman: Arkham City...

The War Inside My Head

The War Inside My Head

This is what I'm currently doing. I was going to wait until 11/11 and buy Skyrim, but I had a weak moment and picked up Battlefield 3 for the PC last...

To Isengard!

To Isengard!

Hi, remember me? Probably not. I sometimes live here. Anyways… I did enjoy the Cataclysm expansion. They added a lot of cool features. The new...


We are a family of gamers. Mom and Dad have been gaming for as long as they can remember back when you only had a joystick to use and saved your games to cassette tapes.

They've been gaming together since they met in 2002. Sometime after 2006, they both started playing World of Warcraft and did that for many years. They started this blog, originally called Sideshow & Syrana which has now transitioned to the new Stay-At-Home Gamers site, while keeping all of the original content.

Starting in 2010, two more gamers came along (now known as Princess Boo and Mr. X) and they are now old enough where they both enjoy playing games and watching others play games. They are both excited to have others to watch them play their favorite games. Come along with us and let's enjoy these games together!
