(Part 32) For the rest of this series, please go here. Varray kept a firm grip on Aerissa's elbow as he escorted her down the ramp. His strength...
I really enjoy music. I'm not sure how I'd spend my day without music involved at some point. I listen to it in my car, at work, while gaming and...
If you didn't get a chance to listen to Sideshow and myself live on Rawrcast on Saturday, it is now available for your listening pleasure! Go, go...
I am oh so close to finishing the Draenei starting area… [Update: Last night I finally finished the Draenei starting area! I have now...
If you are just joining us or looking for a refresher the entire series can be found here. Generation 2: Aerissa, Xander, and Caleb Over time, Darcy...
I sure hope so! Today marks the launch of Diabolical Minds, the supersecret project that Byaghro of Casual WoW fame has been working so diligently on...
This video by Wowcrendor is hilarious. It was featured on WoW.com recently, so many of you may have already watched it. If not, check it out!
Now… to come up with fun rank names…
It's weird. On the one hand, BlizzCon feels like it was just the other day, but on the other hand, it feels like it was ages ago. Then, it really...
Just a reminder that Sideshow and I will be guests on the Rawrcast show this Satuday at 4pm CST. We hope to see you there!