Sharing is caring!

*waves* Hello all, Syrana here.  I'm sorry to inform you that Tuesday's regularly scheduled RP post will be delayed.  Part 9 is not ready yet.  Really, nothing else is ready to go posting-wise at the moment, and I apologize.  I usually try not to write up stuff too much in advance because I like to serve you fresh posts.

But, alas, this nasty head cold is kicking me in the arse and making it difficult to hear, smell, think, and taste.  I've been on a wonderful diet of Nyquil, Dayquil, and cough drops for a few days.  So, unfortunately, part 9 of Aerissa's adventures is trapped within the mysts of my medicine head.  I'd attempt to tap it out now, but am afraid that there would be some sort of weird psychedalic diversion to what is really happening after she grabbed that wanted poster.

Again, my apologies, as I've faithfully gotten these posted every Tuesday for the last 8 weeks.  🙁

Meanwhile, feel free to re-read over the past pieces or check out the Daily Reads on the left right (oh no, I can't even tell my left from my right anymore) sidebar below our character information.  Definitely check out WoW Headlines, which is a newer site helping to provide you with a portal to bloggy goodness.

Now, I must get some rest and not worry about the reading piling up in my Google reader… or on Twitter…

Sharing is caring!


  • Feel better! Aerissa and Locke can work at the inn uneventfully in your head until the medicines fade.

    By the way, last night my guy’s rogue had to finally let go of the helm/mask that Sideshow is wearing in the header image. He loved that creepy headpiece. Now he looks like an undead viking.

  • Holy Soul Shards Batman, *we* are headlines? *grin*, I may have to take to posting things of substance now (Is holy soul shards a complete confusion or sorts or what? Maybe I drained a lot of Paladins… who knows).

    Hope you feel better.

  • @Kimberly Yeah, I had to let it go, too around like level 77. I also look like some deranged goat creature. I was disappointed to find out that the next 4 helms I got (including the one I made) all look the same.

  • Hope you are feeling better soon! Those sewer fumes prolly didn’t help either! *hugs*

  • True fan girls and boys will wait patiently for part 9! Of course we’ll demand cookies in the mean time…

    Cookies and…orange juice…since that will help you with the whole vitamin C thing going on…

    I looted these [Tissues] for you. Get better soon!

  • Thank you everyone for the get well wishes. I’m feeling oodles better today and should get back into the posting groove shortly. Right now, I feel the need to catch up on my Google reader, since I haven’t touched in since Sunday. So much to read and comment on! 🙂

    @Nance – and no problem on the link love. It’s a great site and I appreciate the work you put into it. I’ll ask Sideshow to work on a banner to add to the rotation. 🙂


We are a family of gamers. Mom and Dad have been gaming for as long as they can remember back when you only had a joystick to use and saved your games to cassette tapes.

They've been gaming together since they met in 2002. Sometime after 2006, they both started playing World of Warcraft and did that for many years. They started this blog, originally called Sideshow & Syrana which has now transitioned to the new Stay-At-Home Gamers site, while keeping all of the original content.

Starting in 2010, two more gamers came along (now known as Princess Boo and Mr. X) and they are now old enough where they both enjoy playing games and watching others play games. They are both excited to have others to watch them play their favorite games. Come along with us and let's enjoy these games together!
