Last Week's Screenshot Recap
It seems that the portal from last week was a toughy. I honestly had never seen that portal until about a month ago when I was doing some exploring in Feralas. Yes, that lovely greenish portal with the floating skull in it (which was kinda freaky) is located in Dream Bough, Feralas. It doesn't seem to go anywhere… yet. Maybe in an expansion? And because I liked the look of the portal, I'm reposting it along with a map of where you can find it for yourself!

And now, introducing….

There’s a few portals like that, I came across one in the Hinterlands in the northern section cut off by the river, know it wasn’t that particular one but yeah there are a few about. I think in the fluff they are suppose to connect to the Emerald Dream?
They are spawn points for the world dragon bosses in old vanilla WoW. The dragons have random spawn times and used to be 40-man outdoor raid bosses. You can see their loot tables if you use the Atlasloot addons =).
Nothing more. Nothing less. Just spawn points. There is one in Ashenvale, Hinterlands and Duskwood as well.
Bah, I still want to go through it!